Category: News
EUSSET Colloquium on CSCW Theories and Concepts
A new year has begun, and we are looking forward to new interesting and relevant discussions on aspects of practice-centred computing. To start strong, the next EUSSET Colloquium will focus on CSCW theories and concepts.
Happy Relaxing Break!
Despite the pandemic, 2021 was a productive year for the EUSSET community. In this message we want to give you an overview of all these activities and present what we are planning for the next future.
EUSSET Colloquium on the Hybridism of CSCW Research and Emerging and Future Issues on Work-Life Boundaries
On the 8th of December, between 16:30 and 18:00 CET, we will be discussing the hybridism of CSCW research and emerging and future issues of CSCW research on work-life boundaries. Introductions by Myriam Lewkowicz and Luigina Ciolfi.
EUSSET Colloquium on Concepts and Theory
The next EUSSET Colloquium is approaching! It will be held on the 10th of November, from 16:30 to 18:00 CET. In this colloquium we will focus on concepts and theories. Presenters: Kjeld Schmidt & Henrik Korsgaard.
Announcing ECSCW 2022
We are happy to announce that the 20th edition of ECSCW will take place in Coimbra, Portugal from June 27th to July 1st 2022. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Informatics Engineering, within the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. – We have a wonderful organizing committee in place and we are really looking…
Join the discussion: the EUSSET Colloquium is here
The first EUSSET Colloquium was held on the 13th of October, with an initial discussion on the format and ideas for future colloquiums. – We had some great discussions and exchanges and now we have a preliminary agenda for the next semester, says EUSSET Community Building chair Fabiano Pinatti. Each EUSSET Colloquium features two discussion ideas proposed by…