Category: Opinion

  • Kari Kuuti: CSCW is facing a dilemma

    EUSSET: Kari, you have been awarded the EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award as announced during the ECSCW 2020. Congratulations! In this interview, we would like to learn more about your personal perspective on the award and on the CSCW research.The award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to the innovation and reorientation of the computing field…

  • Volker Wulf: The success is first of all epistemological

    EUSSET: Volker, one of the milestones the history of the European tradition of CSCW was certainly the first, unofficial, ECSCW meeting in London in 1989, nearly 28 years ago. What happened since then?Volker Wulf: I think we have to understand that CSCW is a community which came out of the rather dramatic change in what computing used…

  • Myriam Lewkowicz: We want to attract young researchers

    Myriam Lewkowicz is Full Professor in Informatics at Troyes University of Technology (France), where she heads the teaching program “Management of Information Systems”, and the pluridisciplinary research team Tech-CICO (UMR CNRS 6281). Her interdisciplinary research involves defining digital technologies to support existing collective practices or to design new collective activities. Over the past decade, the…