Category: Services

  • EUSSET Free Membership Application

    To pursue the vision of EUSSET as an open and inclusive community, the Steering Committee has launched the option to register for a one-year membership free of charge for those who might need it. This should not only support those who experience hardship to take the paid membership into account, but also contribute to the…

  • EUSSET Services Series: Summer School

    It’s a once in a lifetime experience: the EUSSET CSCW Summer School taking place each year just on the bank of the Lake Como or in the historical town of Bolzano in Northern Italy. The outstanding environment, the leisure atmosphere, and the direct contact between young and experienced researchers make it a place to be…

  • EUSSET Services Series: Digital Library

    Over 1500 manuscripts, some as old as 1983, are listed and/or made available for free in the EUSSET Digital Library: While most of the publications come from the core EUSSET conferences (ECSCW, C&T) and affiliated European conferences on CSCW and HCI, the Digital Library offers access to manuscripts from the beginnings of the field…

  • EUSSET Services Series: Competence Network

    Among the many community and member services, EUSSET offers a Competence Network featuring many experts in various areas related to practice-centred computing. If you have a question, a new idea, or an upcoming project and are looking for a sparing partner, a co-author, a mentor, a collaborator, or a consultant, the Competence Network will be…

  • EUSSET Services Series: Conferences

    Today, we are starting a new series of posts concerning the services EUSSET offers to its members and to the broader scientific community. And we begin with something very core for building a thriving community: conferences. EUSSET’s flagship conference is the ECSCW. ECSCW is one of the oldest conference series in the field. The first…