EUSSET Services Series: Digital Library

Over 1500 manuscripts, some as old as 1983, are listed and/or made available for free in the EUSSET Digital Library: While most of the publications come from the core EUSSET conferences (ECSCW, C&T) and affiliated European conferences on CSCW and HCI, the Digital Library offers access to manuscripts from the beginnings of the field presented at workshops or in discussion rounds – just see the CSCW Archive. This is the beginning of a recent initiative of EUSSET to complete and document the very beginnings of CSCW as a discipline. Accordingly, EUSSET DL is not simply a collection of papers, but also a great place to review the development of the field since its formation up until now. And the best thing: it is continuously growing – not only in terms of papers made available but also in terms of downloads, searches and interactions. If you want to contribute to EUSSET DL or you have questions concerning the library, feel free to contact Michael Koch.