Fourth International Summer School on Computer Supported Cooperative Work – Call for Participation in the Scientific Commitee

of the
Fourth EUSSET Summer School on
Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Foundations, methods and technologies August 2019 (either 19-23 or 26-30)

Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy)

Following the three successful editions of the School in 2015, 2016 and 2018 the fourth edition will be held in the same period and location. The ideal number of participants is between 15 and 20 students. They will receive lectures and participate in working groups to elaborate their contents and and requirements to get 7.5 ECTS. Students are also expected to familiarize themselves with a selected basic literature prior to attending the school.

The school offers to the young researchers (PhD or post-doc) an opportunity to become aware of the challenges characterizing CSCW research. As the application domains where the CSCW themes can inform both social studies and technology design are constantly growing, the Summer School has the important task to acquaint students with the continuous elaboration of the theoretical foundations of CSCW through a reflection on the outcomes of the field studies, on the methods applied in the social and technological investigations and on the impact of the technologies on the settings in which they are deployed. The combination of these three perspectives should be the patrimony of any researcher who wants to grasp the complex and subtle issues that are involved in
the CSCW research area.

We are looking for participation in the Scientific Committee of this summer school. By being a member of the
Scientific Committee, you participate in the development of the program of the Summer School: recruiting the teachers and defining the lecture plan, managing the recruitment of the students, and monitoring the evaluation of their homework, to encourage conceptual work.

The local Organizing Committee provides support with local administrative matters.

The most urgent and immediate task for the Scientific Committee is to develop the program for 2019 and start recruiting teachers. The interested students should apply by the end of May 2019 by responding to the call for application that the Scientific Committee will disseminate as soon as possible; they will receive the confirmation of their acceptance before mid June and have to complete the administrative procedure before mid July.
Candidates interested in serving on the Scientific Committee for 2019 are expected to have a strong academic record in the field and experience in the organization of teaching initiatives.

If you are interested in fostering the creation of a strong network of young CSCW researchers, please send by email a document containing a short CV and any information useful to evaluate your application to Claus Bossen ( The deadline is December 1st, 2018.

The EUSSET Steering Committee will communicate its decision in December 2018.