IISI-EUSSET Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 to Bonnie Nardi

Her most recent book, Heteromation and Other Stories of Computing and Capitalism (co-authored with Hamid Ekbia), was published in 2017 by the MIT Press.  Bonnie co-edits the MIT Press Acting with Technology Series (with Kirsten Foot and Victor Kaptelinin). She is a senior editor at the journal Mind, Culture, and Activity, the premier journal of cultural-historical activity theory.

Bonnie is interested in radical approaches to sustainability and is a founding member of the Computing within LIMITS Workshop Series which annually convenes an international group of scholars devoted to understanding how computing can be used for alternative economic systems. She enjoys spending time with her five grandchildren, walking, and learning about permaculture (apples, artichokes, blackberries, and herbs so far).

IISI-EUSSET Live Time Achievement Award 2019 to Bonnie Nardi
Volker Wulf, Universität Siegen (l.) and Kari Kuutti (r.), University of Oulu in Finnland with Bonnie Nardi