Intense days in Zürich

The 19th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work took place in the middle of June 2021. Even though we would love to see each other in person again, unfortunately, also this year, we had to switch to the online format. Thanks to the incredible support of our conference chair in Zurich, we were able to gather all together, discuss exciting contributions and topics and think about the future of the EUSSET-Community.

We had intensive, informative five days of ECSCW 2021: 3 exciting keynotes, 2 masterclasses, 4 workshops, and 4 great paper sessions. Furthermore, we offered an opportunity for young researchers to introduce their research ideas and profit from the experience of other EUSSET members.

As part of the conference, it was our pleasure to present IISI-EUSSET Lifetime Achievement Award. We congratulate Carla Simone on her well-earned prize: For her outstanding contributions to CSCW research and continued service to the scientific community. Thank you very much for your inspiring talk and motivation to future researchers.

The last paper session of the conference was very special. We commemorated David B. Martin and announced the winner of the award bearing his name. The David B. Martin Award went to the team of authors led by Banu Saatci for their work on the Hybrid Meetings and Meeting-Centered Design. Thanks a lot for your exciting contribution! We were delighted with the exciting presentation and were particularly touched by the authors’ decision to donate a monetary portion of their prize to an environmental charity project.

The atmosphere of ECSCW 2021 was extraordinarily friendly and relaxed. Amazingly, we could create a feeling of belonging and trust despite the format and the distances. Like in a family, we were happy to see each other, exchange our ideas, and just laugh together!

We stay in touch at EUSSET-Network and look forward to next year at ECSCW 2022, hopefully with real applause, handshakes, and hugs!

All the papers presented during the ECSW 2021 can be found in the EUSSET Digital Library.