The first EUSSET Colloquium was held on the 13th of October, with an initial discussion on the format and ideas for future colloquiums.
– We had some great discussions and exchanges and now we have a preliminary agenda for the next semester, says EUSSET Community Building chair Fabiano Pinatti.
Each EUSSET Colloquium features two discussion ideas proposed by members of the community and each idea are dedicated a 40-min discussion time. Meetings happen over Zoom and people interested in participating are required to enrol to the event until 2 days before the event per e-mail, so to control for those who will have access to discussion material that discussants would like to remain in a closed circle. The material will be shared 2 days before the colloquium with people registered for it. Confidentiality and conflicts of interest will be handled by the Community Building chair.
The next colloquium will be held on the 10th of November. Below you have more information on how to participate. Agenda will be advertised closer to the event.