EUSSET Recent Developments

Dear colleagues involved in EUSSET,

there are some news with regard to EUSSET ( which I would like to share:

  • the book Designing Socially Embetted Technologies in the Real World – a collection of papers presented some two years at an EUSSET workshop in Siegen, has been published by Springer:
  • we had an interesting panel at ACM-CSCW 2016 on ‘Practice-based Research’:
  • we have started a transition process to move the ECSCW and the COOP conferences under the ambrella of EUSSE., Both conference series were run so far by informal bodies consisting of former (conference) chairs.
  • we had negotiations with the CSCW stiring committee of ACM-CHI to align the conference schedules of ACM-CSCW, ACM-Group, COOP, and ECSCW.
  • we have created an association according to German law which could act as an legal body to incooperate EUSSET.
  • We also are on the way to define offices inside EUSSET to do the day-to day work. We are thinking of offices such as: Chair, Chair elect, ECSCW liason, COOP liason, C&T liason, JCSCW liason, ACM liason, EUD liason, Nordic/EuroCHI liason, EU Lobbying, New Conference Liaisons, Community monitoring, Young Faculty support/career management advisor, tresurer, etc. Any volunteers for offices there? We want to hold a first round of elections for offices soon.
  • we are discussing how to run EUSSET in a financially sustainable manner. So far, we think about a mixture of member fees and contributions from conference.

We believe that from summer 2016, we should have developped EUSSET into a workable academic institution.

Do these ideas make sense? Please let us know – in case you see problems and/or have more suggestions ……

Yours sincerely,

Volker wulf