Call for contributions, ECSCW 2023 in Trondheim, Norway

Dear colleagues,

The calls for contributions for the European conferences on computer supported cooperative work (ECSCW) 2023 are now out and available on our web site:

You can contribute by submitting your journal papers, exploratory papers, notes, proposals for organizing workshops and masterclasses, and more.

Some highlights: 

You will find information about submitting journal papers to the ECSCW track of the Journal of CSCW here:

If you are a PhD student please consider submitting to our doctoral colloquium:

If you are industry representative, consider demonstrating your products or services at the conference. We also have a sponsorship program. Please contact us for more information.

Some important dates:

* February 20, 2023: Deadline for most types of contributions.

* April 1, 2023: Cut-off date for Journal of CSCW papers to be presented at the conference. (You can submit your journal paper anytime through the above link).

Please also note that ECSCW 2023 happens the week before ECIS (European conference on IS) that is also in Norway, but in the city of Kristiansand. See

ECSCW is a conference of EUSSET, the European association of researchers interested in socially-embedded technologies ( You can find earlier ECSCW proceedings in EUSSET digital library here:

Hope to see you in Trondheim!

The organizing team of ECSCW 2023.