Happy 2021! Your thoughts on our plans for paving the way to practice-centered computing (a survey from the EUSSET SC)

We would like to wish you a Happy New Year, full of amazing personal and professional projects. May 2021 be more peaceful and healthy, hopefully with more face-to-face events! 

This message concerns the current status of EUSSET activities, and our plans for the near future. 

We hope to increase and strengthen the interactions within the EUSSET community (through its existing and potential future members), and their current areas of activities/interests, as well as to understand how our community wants EUSSET to develop. To achieve this goal, we need both your general input, and more specifically your input on the services we are considering. 

Please take 5 minutes (maximum) to fill out this survey and join us in rethinking the meaning and future roles of EUSSET: http://survey.eusset.eu/

We wish you all again a very Happy 2021, and please stay safe!

The EUSSET Steering Committee